Web Data 101: Planning for success with web data

4 important things to know before getting started with web data

Evaluating the data's accuracy, completeness, consistency, and timeliness

Fail to plan, plan to fail

Whether you know nothing about web data or you’re an experienced data consumer, these 4 tips and tricks will help you get off to a great start by helping you understand how your data requirements should match your business and technical requirements from the very start.

Use this 4-point checklist to start your web scraping project the right way.

Learn how to set the foundation of any web data project on solid ground with Neha, our Web Data Evangelist, and David, Head of Solution Architecture at Zyte.

Understand what data you need, how to get it, and how to avoid some of the common mistakes made by rushing in without a plan.

In this Webinar, set yourself up for success by learning to:

  • Define Business Requirements vs Data Requirements

  • What is web scraping and Data as a Service

  • Select Data Attributes

  • Understand the Web Data Maturity Model

Want to start your web scraping project without hassles? We're here to help.