How to scrape the web without getting blocked

Learn how to scrape the web and extract the data you need, while respecting the rights of websites and companies.

In this short webinar, our web scraping expert Attila Toth, will show best practice tips on how you can extract the data you need from websites while respecting the rights of companies that own them.

What you will learn:

  • How websites can recognize you as a bot and not a human.

  • How to scrape the web without getting blocked.

  • How to overcome anti-bot mechanisms.

  • Understand TCP/IP fingerprinting, geo-blocking, IP blocking, and browser fingerprinting.

  • How to navigate the behavioural and requests patterns of CAPTCHAs.

  • And much more

Zyte delivers more than 7.9 billion successful requests with a 94.5% success rate - every single month consistently.

Watch this webinar to catch a glimpse of how that's possible.