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The Best Web Scraping Services for Data Journalism

Himanshi Bhatt
3 Mins
April 6, 2022


How Can The Travel Industry Benefit From Data Scraping?

Himanshi Bhatt
3 Mins
March 31, 2022
The travel and tourism industry is a major contributor to the GDP of many countries worldwide.


Scraping E-commerce Websites & Leveraging Product Data at Scale

James Kehoe
5 Mins
March 30, 2022
Product Data is the most sought-after web data type for e-commerce companies, with 7 common use cases from price intelligence to seller experiences.


Find the best pint using web scraping on St. Patrick’s day

Neha Setia Nagpal
6 Mins
March 16, 2022
At Zyte we are known for our ability to help companies make mission-critical business decisions through the use of web scraping.


An accurate Guide on How to Scrape Blog Posts

Himanshi Bhatt
3 Mins
March 15, 2022
Blogging has become an essential part of any comprehensive content marketing campaign. It is common knowledge that publishing more blogs regularly gives your customers a reason to return to your website more often.


Understanding The Value of Scraping Customer Reviews

Himanshi Bhatt
4 Mins
March 8, 2022
Scraping customer reviews can be a valuable source of e-commerce data extraction, yielding in-depth information that can enable detailed sentiment analysis and drive marketing decision-making.


How Web Data Can Help Fuel Your Dynamic Pricing Strategy

Himanshi Bhatt
3 Mins
June 17, 2021
Dynamic pricing is a great tool for businesses, especially those in the e-commerce field. A lot of major companies already use web extracted pricing data to formulate pricing strategies, adapt to price variations, spot MAP violations & analyze customer opinions.