Businesses that depend on hotel data use Zyte

What can you use web scraped hotel data for?

Hotel data extraction can be extremely useful if you want to monitor hotel prices or keep an eye on hotel ratings. Extract hotel web data including room prices, availability, reviews, and much more at scale to unlock so many growth opportunities like brand management, sentiment analysis or hotel price comparison.

How to scrape hotel data using Zyte

With Zyte data extraction services, get clean, valuable hotel web data such as room prices, ratings, locations, and more. You tell us where it is online and our team of experts gets you the data, exactly how you want it. That's it! You get accurate data quickly and without the technical hassle.

With a high-quality hotel data feed, you can get access to structured hotel data from one or multiple booking websites across the web, so you can scale your project.

Zyte Data Services supports a comprehensive list of metadata types and we have a QA process perfected for 10+ years to deliver high-quality hotel data.

Hotel data scraper information categories

  • Location

  • Price/rates

  • Phone number

  • Images

  • Room type

  • Ratings

  • Availability

  • Reviews

  • Amenities

  • Room features

  • Hotel address

  • Occupancy

  • Maps

  • Other custom fields upon request

Hotel data scraper information categories

We probably already extract data from your target website and can offer the data you need in a standardized schema that will make your life easier and save you time and money.

The ultimate web scraping API, designed to automatically avoid bans in the most cost-effective way possible saving you time and money at every stage of your project.

Your Data Extraction Partner

Our web scraping team of experts can provide services to suit any size of business, from twinkly startups to Fortune 100’s.