Web Scraping For Recruitment

The human resources (HR) industry is experiencing huge change thanks to the increasing use of data in decision-making. Many HR teams are sitting on an untapped data gold mine that includes everything from recruitment data, career progression data, training data, absenteeism figures, productivity data, personal development reviews, competency profiles, and staff satisfaction data. 

What’s more, with the increasing use of data extraction technologies HR teams can now mine and analyze external data sources such as job boards and social media profiles for critical insights that can be used to improve decision making, make employees happier, optimize processes, and add value to the company.

This trend has given rise to what is known as “intelligent HR”, which in reality is data-driven HR. Through the increased use of data, companies can find the best talent, boost employee retention, and make better hiring decisions in an increasingly competitive labor market.

Adding an automated web data feed to your sourcing toolkit is smart, but we know existing job or candidate listings on the web can be duplicated, unclean, or expired. You need a structured database of cleaned and enriched data to give you a competitive advantage.

Learn more about web scraping for recruitment

Here at Zyte , we have been in the web scraping industry for 12 years. We have helped extract web data for more than 1,000 clients ranging from Government agencies and Fortune 100 companies to early-stage startups and individuals. During this time we gained a tremendous amount of experience and expertise in web data extraction. 

Here are some of our best resources if you want to deepen your web scraping knowledge: